Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 7 – Our Missionary Mandate by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for PodcastSt John Paul II wrote in his encyclical Redemptoris Missio of 1990: “There is a situation particularly in countries with ancient Christian roots and occasionally in the younger Christian churches as well where entire groups of the baptised have lost a living sense of the Faith or even no longer consider themselves members of the Church and live a life far removed from Christ and his Gospel. In this case what is needed is a new evangelisation or a re-evangelisation.” Fr Guy de Gaynesford points to the calls of successive Popes in recent times for the urgent need of a New Evangelisation and considers our responsibility in this regard and what is necessary for success.

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in October 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 6: Why Evangelise? by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for PodcastBeginning with the lives and example of two saints especially renowned for their success in evangelism – St Dominic and St Boniface – Fr Guy moves on to consider the reasons we evangelise, beginning first and foremost with the plain instruction of Christ given just before his Ascension to heaven: ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 28: 19. 

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 5: The Spanish Inquisition by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for PodcastFr Guy does not attempt a defence of the Spanish Inquisition but looks plainly at the known facts and draws some surprising conclusions. Based on recent research into original documents this talk is of interest not only to the Catholic apologist, but to all with a concern for truth.

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 4: The New Paganism by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for PodcastA variety of modern expressions of belief can be gathered under the heading of the ‘new paganism’ – secularism, humanism, pantheism, the new age, to name but a few. Fr Guy looks at the ways these differ from the paganism of old and gives helpful pointers to the Christian apologist confronted with these expressions of belief today.

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 3 by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for Podcast3. The Approach to Apologetics Part 2. Continuing his look at the inner disposition of the apologist, Fr Guy considers the need for our own faith to be strong and informed before we attempt to pass on what we believe to others. ‘Keep as your pattern the sound teaching you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, look after the precious thing given in trust’. (2 Timothy 1: 13-14). He also gives some practical guidelines and lists some resources.

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 2: Universal Salvation by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for PodcastOne example of an error of faith which will face the apologist of today is the concept of universalism or universal salvation – the belief that all people will go to heaven regardless of their faith and regardless of their behaviour in this life. Fr Guy looks at the substance of this argument and contrasts it with true Christianity and the message of Christ. ‘Enter by the narrow gate, since the road that leads to destruction is wide and spacious, and many take it; but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it‘.  (Matthew 7: 13-14)

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation 1 by Fr Guy de Gaynesford

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation Artwork for Podcast1. The Approach to Apologetics Part 1. ‘Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence. Keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who abuse you for your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame.’ This well-known passage from the first letter of St Peter (Chapter 3: 15-16) describes the proper disposition of the evangelist. Fr Guy considers what it is to make an ‘apology’ for the faith, and notes how this has been necessary down through the centuries, not only today.

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Given at the School of the Annunciation in August 2015. We are grateful to them for allowing us to publish this talk on our website. For more information on the School of the Annunciation click here.

Apologetics for the New Evangelisation, Buckfast Abbey, 3 – 6th August 2015

strozzi-annunciation-NG1406-fmFr Guy de Gaynesford will be giving four lectures during this Summer School which will take place at the School of the Annunciation, Buckfast Abbey, Devon from 3-6th August 2015. The subjects covered covered in the Summer School the will include Catholic Apologetics for Today, Science and Religion and Apologetics and the Christ of History.  There is still time to book!   You can find more information by going to this link.